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New CDs: Rediscovery and Tributes
1. Louis Beydts: Mélodies & Songs – Label Aparte
By Cyrille Dubois (tenor) and Tristan Raës on piano. This duo repairs an oversight: the composer Louis Beydts (1895-1953), a contemporary and “rival-friend” of Poulenc in the realm of melody, had never before received such a deserved and perfectly accomplished tribute until this recording. Many tracks can be listened to on YouTube. Cyrille Dubois and Tristan Raës (pianist) will be the protagonists of the opening concert of the Francis Poulenc Academy 2024, on August 19 at the Auditorium of the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Francis Poulenc.
2. Filiations – Présence compositrices
The second CD, titled « Filiations, » is an initiative by the Association Présence compositrices. This recording highlights three often overlooked female composers: Nadia Boulanger (1887-1979), Henriette Puig-Roget (1910-1992), and Elsa Barraine (1910-1999). These three Prix de Rome laureates are performed by mezzo-soprano Clarisse Dalles and pianist Anne Le Bozec. Together, they offer a remarkable interpretation of 22 melodies that will delight lovers of musical discoveries.
Books: Enriching Correspondences and Biographies
1. Lettres à Marie (1882-1924) – Gabriel Fauré
For enthusiasts of Gabriel Fauré, the publication of « Lettres à Marie (1882-1924) – Correspondence of Gabriel Fauré with his wife » is an event not to be missed. In this centenary year of Gabriel Fauré’s death, this publication enriches the intimate knowledge of the composer through letters to his wife, written throughout his life. Jean-Michel Nectoux, who has authored numerous publications on Fauré, has annotated, expanded, and completed this publication by « Le Passeur. »
2. Jules Massenet – Jean-Christophe Branger
Published by Fayard in the renowned musical collection, this comprehensive book is both a biography and an exploration of the compositions of the famous author of Werther, Manon, and other spectacular operas. Jean-Christophe Branger is undoubtedly the specialist on the composer, whose complete recordings of melodies by a prestigious Canadian team led by Olivier Godin, professor at the Francis Poulenc Academy, were released last year by ATMA.
Works by François Le Roux
1. Le Chant intime : de l’interprétation de la mélodie française
Published by Fayard in 2004 and available in English from Oxford University Press since 2021, this book co-written with Romain Raynaldy is a reference for performers of French Mélodie.
2. L’opéra français – une question de style
Also with Romain Raynaldy, François Le Roux explores the stylistic nuances of French operas, with particular attention to the works of Francis Poulenc. This book was published by Hermann in 2019.
3. Femmes mémorables
This dictionary, edited by Josyane Savigneau, Chantal Bigot, and Monique Nemer, was published in 2023 by Robert Laffont. François Le Roux contributes by presenting great names of female presence in the arts, literature, sciences, and politics. The book features entries written by numerous contributors, under the direction of Josyane Savigneau, Chantal Bigot, and Monique Nemer. François Le Roux highlights notable lyrical artists, both French and foreign, as well as selected pianists and female composers.
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